Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mahmood khan on Wednesday formally inaugurated the newly established Institute of Criminology and Forensic Sciences at the University of Peshawar and performed the groundbreaking of various projects worth Rs 3.23 billion under the Peshawar Uplift Programme Phase-II. The Chief Minister also inaugurated the construction work on the establishment of Technology Development Centre in Agriculture University, Peshawar.
The Institute of Criminology and Forensic Sciences at the University of Peshawar has been completed at a cost of Rs 180 million. Currently, two academic programs; M.Sc Criminology and BS Criminology, with a total strength of 274 students, are enrolled in the Institute, whereas new academic programs, including Ph.D and MS/MPhil Criminology, Diplomas in Forensic Criminal Investigation and Cyber Security are to be commenced.
The Chief Minister formally laid the foundation stone for Hayatabad Trail under the Peshawar Uplift Programme Phase-II, which would be completed at an estimated cost of Rs 1.22 billion. Under the project, a 6 Km long Bicycle & Walking Track along with service areas at five different sites would be established. The project also includes the construction of green belt, plantation, public toilets, tuck shops, gazebos, futsal field, basketball, volleyball and Badminton Courts, Outdoor Gym and a Roller Skating Rink.
Similarly, the Chief Minister formally performed the groundbreaking of a project regarding the construction and beautification of University road, University town and Palosai road to Peshawar Zoo. The project would be completed at an estimated cost of Rs 160.95 million under which multiple construction and uplift activities have been planned including Markhor Square, Iqra Square, Walkway in front of town market, beautification of Park Avenue road to Iran Consulate and Palosai road Intersection at University road.