Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU) has invited the potential candidates and their parents to visit campus on open house on August 20, from 0900 to 1600 Hours.
The university has planned to conduct an open house for the public in general and the student community in particular for information on admissions in different programs.
Prospective candidates and their parents would be able to visit FJWU open house on Saturday, August 20, from 0900 hrs to 1600 hrs in order to avail the opportunity of a face-to-face interaction with faculty, staff and learn about the different academic programs and other facilities being offered at the University.
This event would provide the visitors with valuable insights into program options, university life and the overall campus experience.
From programs to campus life, there are so many factors that go into student’s decision to attend a college or university and an open house is a great opportunity to learn more about a school and to see if one can picture themselves there.
Associate Degrees and Diploma Programs have also been introduced in various fields. Additionally, FJWU has launched two new departments, including the Department of Bioinformatics and Department of Public Health and Applied Sciences. Last date for admission form submission is August 31, 2022.