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Voice of the People

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Articles and letters may be edited for the purposes of clarity and space. They are published in good faith with a view to enlightening all the stakeholders. However, the contents of these writings may not necessarily match the views of the newspaper.

What’s more fatal than Covid?

As in many countries the Coronavirus lock down has been swayed off, the new practice of wearing discarded face masks and gloves is posing another threat to the human health and the global environment.

Decades of hardworking turning consumers away from single-use plastics went down the drain with the compulsory usage of the discarded face mask.

Across the globe many groundbreaking pieces of legislation banning all kinds of single-use plastics were about to pass but then Coronavirus hit and everything took a sudden turn.

Covid-19 has left its mark on individuals, families and nations as a whole and it will take a long time to regain the momentum with which we are moving forward in our lives. Along with humans, it also affects the nature.

For the time being, when we were all confined to our homes and working or learning from there, the consumption levels of natural gas and other fossil fuels fell down quite a lot and it did show some impacts on the environment in the form of decreased levels of CO2, ozone depletion has also to some extent decreased and overall a better air quality was observed. Many of the natural habitats recovered as well when humans weren’t poking around.

But when we see at the larger picture of this whole situation that we were in for almost one and a half years, then it displays even more concerning points.


Justice in
true sense

The economic conditions of any state may be judged from the plight of its citizens.

When the people are happy and satisfied, it means the government is really delivering in the best interest of the people but if the people are unhappy and dissatisfied, it means the government is following its own agenda and doesn’t care about the people’s miseries and grievances.

It is a common practice that excessive hike in the prices of essential commodities and unemployment particularly in our country have made the life of our people miserable and they are not in a positions to meet their basic wants and needs within the preview of their meagre resources.

In other words the life of a commoner is no less than a myth despite the tall claims made by our guardians on the floor of the house. The incidents of violence and suicides are almost linked to the same problem.

If we go deep into the matter, it is crystal clear that luxuries of life are the sole rights of the upper class, while the poor and middle class have no say in this regard. Now the question arises why our economic position has jeopardized so much.

The answer is simple and obvious. Everyone is bent upon accumulating wealth and becoming rich overnight.

This factor has penetrated into our mind so much that we are shamelessly fleecing the poor and downtrodden segment of our society and do not bother to recognize their due rights.

The growing trend of corruption, nepotism, favouritism in our institutions can be linked very much to the above cited factors.

In a nutshell, it can be aptly remarked that unless and until we do not recognize one another’s rights, the situation will go from bad to worse and there will be no hope for any change in our life.

Let us change our lifestyle and expedite the efforts to help and support the poor and middle class of our society, only in this way the concept of justice can be materialized in true sense.


Flood in Shadman Town

They say rain is a blessing from Allah. In Karachi there are more than a dozen natural drains (big nallahs) that use to flow during rains and carriy water into the sea and creaks.

As our city Karachi¬¬expanded in an undersigned manner, the storm water drains were transformed into sewerage trunks in our area (Shadman Town).

When the rain water mixes with sewerage water it overflows from the small street (gali) to the main streets (main roads).

Continuous raining and sewerage overflowing fill the whole Shadman Town in a garbage and dirty flood.

Severe weather and extraordinary rainfall have also taken so many innocent lives in our area. Kids could drown in such a fast and heavy flowing flood in the town. People couldn’t reach their homes returning from their offices because our Shadman Town is drowned.

Overflow of sewage and rainwater becomes heavy flood entering in houses near Buffer Zone and Nagan Chowrangi and Shadman Town houses.

This unmerciful flood also enters in Sakhi Hassan old graveyard and all the graves sink. Residents of the area were seen seeking help and moving stuff in knee-deep water.

The wall of an apartment in Shadman Town collapsed after flood hit the wall and people were stranded. The Town doesn’t look like an urban area; it looks more like a river in the rain.

NCOC’s remarkable step

Coronavirus, which needs serious attention, is still roaming around us. However, I appreciate the praiseworthy initiative of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) for launching an awareness video to educate and convince citizens to vaccinate themselves against the virus.

The video, which the NCOC made in collaboration with Jazz, informs people that vaccination is the only way Covid-19 could be avoided.

While in the video several people shared importance of getting vaccinated as well as people shared issues faced by them in the absence of vaccination.

According to data of the Ministry of National Health Services (NHS), 389,385 doses were given on June 12, taking the overall tally of vaccines administered to 11,085,787.

It is a remarkable step taken to spread awareness among the public to get vaccinated to contain the spread of coronavirus and the media should play its vital role to create awareness among the public.
Kech, Turbat

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