The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) of the Sindh police on Tuesday claimed to have apprehended two alleged terrorists from Karachi for the killing of renowned religious scholars Mufti NizamuddinShamzai and Maulana Yusuf Ludhyanvi. According to the CTD, the alleged terrorists having affiliation with an outlawed outfit were identified as Kamran Haider and KarrarHussain and were arrested during a raid in the Korangi area. “They have admitted their role in various target killing incidents on a sectarian basis during 2007 to 2013,” the officials said adding that they confessed to their role in the target killings of noted religious scholars Mufti NizamuddinShamzai and Maulana Yusuf Ludhyanvi. One of the accused, KarrarHussain also killed a man identified as Mudassir in Shah Faisal Colony on the orders of Agha Hasan, besides also having a role in the murder of Dr. Mahboob. He killed a man named Essa in Defence area and also have a role in other sectarian-based killings in the city. Another accused, Kamran murdered a JI leader in 2007 besides also killing a scholar hailing from Balochistan in the Gulshan-e-Iqbal area of the city. The CTD claimed that the group busted today was involved in murders on a sectarian basis since 1996 and opened fire on a vehicle in SITE area, killing seven people. The gang was also involved in killing a burger vendor, two brothers in Khokrapar in 2014. The group was trained in a neighbouring foreign country and had expertise in using weapons, explosive material, anti-aircraft gun. They were also trained for carrying a reconnaissance of their target.