Hafsa Mustansar/Hamna Jalal
ISLAMIC principles and charter inscribed equal rights for all mankind whether it is men or women they pose the same duties for them. In the light of the Islamic Charter especially from the farewell sermon of the Prophet (SAW), we can take vivid points regarding the rights of women. The last sermon of the Last Prophet (SAW) occurred in 10 AH and considered as the most momentous historical event for Muslims lucidly explains the status of women in Islam. In the last sermon, Prophet (SAW) said while pointing importance towards the women, “I urged you to treat women kindly”. This is a clear explanation of women’s rights in Islam. Islam gives equal rights to women including to give a vote, to do business, to get education, and employment.
The most common practice today is to relegate such overt sayings of the Quran which amenably announces equality between men and women with no ‘if’, ‘when’ or ‘this is how’ conditions, and only cite sayings which contain many aspects, and to understand them all, one needs to go through the circumstances at the time of the revelation of the ayah-which one does not bother to do in all cases. Gender equality in the religion Islam is not confined to a criterion, instead, it goes out to all features which constitute a human being; be it spiritual, religious, economic, political, answerability and responsibility, etc. Gender equality as explicitly themed in the Quran does not limit to merely religious matters but applies to any substance that any facet of human endeavor could comprise. The vivid narration in the Quran of the incident when Adam and Eve were ordered to avoid one tree in heaven, their disobedience took them out of heaven, God granted them forgiveness on sincere call by both, vetoes gender discrimination altogether as no reference to one gender is pointed for having tempted the other one and thus, burdening one gender with the actions of both. The wishers of learning learn from the event and its Quranic chronicle that both genders made their individual choice and took decisions mutually; both were punished equally by God on their mistake. The second most important thing that we overlook in the incident of Adam and Eve is their mutual decision. One didn’t have to obey the partner despite their disagreement.
Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female, you are equal.” All the rewards promised in Quran are in exchange for action without even a speck of specifying genders which clearly shows how the very decision to do a specific action is completely under the control of a human being despite their genders. Not only did the Last Prophet (PBUH) deliberated his matters with his wives but also valued the opinions, He received and even obeyed and credited his wives. Browsing through the early Islam era, we see many examples contributing to a society putting women on the same pedestal as men. From seeking knowledge to educating others to run a business to conduct commercial transactions, women did take their decisions and equalized men in knowledge, work and importance. The present day comes with issues arising from having forgotten our glorious historical realities. Today, in most of the areas, women are deprived of the privileges that men enjoy. From choosing a career to getting married, a woman’s choices are repugnant, and decisions are taken by everyone, but the woman involved.
Due to the increasing participation of women in every sphere progressively for economic empowerment, the United Nations and other international organizations are working for women empowerment. Gender equality and women empowerment are high on the agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Goals. For the attainment of SDGs, the role of women is crucial. In this regard, many initiatives have been started to create opportunities for women in every sector. The science of Islam regarding the rights of women is similar to the theory of feminism and persuades towards the equal status of women in society since its creation. To introduce harmony and change in society, the approach of equal rights is an urgent imperative that would lead towards the inclusive society for all. For these aspirations, countries should invest in women’s education and give them the training to excel in their potential and also give them equal status in society.
—The writers are freelance columnist, based in Islamabad.